Thursday, November 27

Twilight Reunion

The truth about BFF's is that we can do silly things together and not care about what others think. Yes, it is true we have read the Twilight series, fallen in love with Edward and one of us has even dressed up like a Cullen's. Therefore, why would we deprive ourselves of a Friday 12:30 am showing of the video version of our imagination and dreams. Yes! I went into it with low expectations and slowly yet surely I fell in love with Edward as I sat in the theater with more twelve year olds then I would dare guess. They came well prepared with slippers, blankets, Fan t-shirts and treats. We, well lets just say we showed up ready to feast on the film. Thank you to Moody for bringing the girls together and providing the I Love Edward pins (so we wouldn't feel left out of course!). Oh and yes I did make it home at 3 am and worked from 7:30 am-3:05 the next day. . . ask my students who made me laugh about nothing for about 15 mins. trust me no one was happier then me that it was a Friday . . .and that my friends is the truth.

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